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What are we getting for our tax dollars?

The 2024 budget for the Johnson County DA's Office is nearly $15 million. What are we getting in return for that money?

A jury trial win rate below 67%. Before the office stopped publishing it's trial win rate, it cratered to only around 50%. If we gave the DA's office a letter grade for trial performance, they'd be getting a D+.

Inexperienced prosecutors. 40% of the office has five or fewer years of experience. Four years ago, the office saw a mass exodus of 16 prosecutors. Hundreds of years of experience abandoned the office to be replaced with interns and recent graduates.

Most importantly, public confidence in the DA's office has hit a new low. In 2006, prior to Steve Howe taking over, 68% of Johnson Countians surveyed said they believed the DA's office could competently prosecute crime. In the 2024 survey, that number was under 50%. A 20% drop in confidence, with a large part of that over the last four years shows that it is time for change.

The criminal justice system only works when the public has confidence in the DA's office and just outcomes. The citizens of Johnson County - the same ones who were surveyed - happen to be jurors as well. Johnson County needs a new voice and a new advocate in the District Attorney's Office to restore public confidence, train younger attorneys, recruit and retain experienced attorneys, and win trials. It's time for a change.


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